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plant killer in indonesia jungle's

 The plant usually get nutrients from nutrient.And cooking nutrients in precisely chlorophyll in the leaves.but there are some plants that gets nutrients by eating insects small animals.In my posting know i will show you some plant killer from indonesia jungle.

1) Raflesia arnoldi

info from wikipedia:
Rafflesia arnoldii is a member of the genus Rafflesia. It is noted for producing the largest individual flower on earth. It has a very strong and horrible odor of decaying flesh, earning it the nickname "corpse flower". It is endemic to the rainforests of Borneo and Sumatra.[1]Although there are some plants with larger flowering organs like the titan arum (Amorphophallus titanum) and talipot palm (Corypha umbraculifera), those are technically clusters of many flowers.
Rafflesia arnoldii (Indonesian: padma raksasa) is one of the three national flowers in Indonesia, the other two being the white jasmine andmoon orchid.[2] It was officially recognized as a national "rare flower" (Indonesian: puspa langka) in Presidential Decree No. 4 in 1993.[3]

How raflesia can kill insect? Raflesia can make some hormone to interest insect. And the
 smellof hormon is very stinkky.if insect come and enter into the hole.insect will not be able to get out and die in the hole.

2) Nepenthes (Tropical pitcher plants)

Info from wikipedia:
Nepenthes (/nɨˈpɛnθiːz/), popularly known as tropical pitcher plants or monkey cups, is a genus of carnivorous plants in the monotypicfamily Nepenthaceae. The genus comprises roughly 150 species, and numerous natural and many cultivated hybrids. They are mostlyliana-forming plants of the Old World tropics, ranging from South China, Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippines; westward to Madagascar(two species) and the Seychelles (one); southward to Australia (three) and New Caledonia (one); and northward to India (one) and Sri Lanka (one). The greatest diversity occurs on Borneo, Sumatra, and the Philippines, with many endemic species. Many are plants of hot, humid, lowland areas, but the majority are tropical montane plants, receiving warm days but cool to cold, humid nights year round. A few are considered tropical alpine, with cool days and nights near freezing. The name "monkey cups" refers to the fact that monkeys have been observed drinking rainwater from these plants.

Same like raflesia nepenthes have a water like a syroup in this body. And than the smell of syroup invites insect.The different with raflesia is the smell of syroup. in nepenthes the smell off syroup is fragrant but in raflesia the smell is stinky.Now many Nepenthes hunted from the forest to be taken as an ornamental plant.

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