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Only 67 left in the world !!! Javan rhinoceros fight against extinction

Javan rhinoceros is one of the rarest animals in the world. The wild is a total of not more than 67 rhinos. the beginning of the extinction of these animals was excessive hunting. Javan rhino is hunted because the price of its expensive and rumored horns can be a panacea.the beginning of the extinction of these animals was excessive hunting. Javan rhino is hunted because the price of its expensive and rumored horns can be a panacea. Since 1931 the Indonesian government changed the status of the Javan Rhino which has become a protected animal causing a reduction in the hunting rate of these animals.

In the 1960s, it was estimated that around 20 to 30 rhinos were left in Ujung Kulon National Park.
The population has doubled in 1967 to 1978 after safeguards were carried out strictly, supported by WWF-Indonesia. Since the late 1970s, the population of the Javan Rhino seems stable with a maximum population growth rate of 1% per year.

after facing various extinction problems. Javan rhinos still have other problems that can lead to the extinction of these animals, among others:

  1. Reduced genetic diversityThe small population of Javan rhinos causes low genetic diversity. This can weaken the ability of this species in dealing with epidemics or natural disasters (volcanic eruptions and earthquakes).
  2. Forest degradation and lossAnother threat to the population of the Javan rhinoceros is the increasing need for land as a direct result of the growth of the human population. Forest clearing for agriculture and commercial logging began to appear around and within protected areas where this species lives.
hopefully with the help of scientists and researchers the extinction rate can be reduced and hopefully our children and grandchildren can still see these animals living wildly and not in the museum

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