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Weber and Wallace Line On indonesia

plants and animal geography, Alfred Russel Wallace (1823-1913) no closely related. He pioneered modern research about animal geography, apart from Darwin theory. He postulated that there is an imaginary line separating Australis and Asiatic  animals. Wallace held a research about the spread of Indonesia animals and the result was that there are difference between animals on the Eastern and Western part of Indonesia.
Wallace line is a hypothetical line separating Asia and Australasia  geographic animals. The western part is related to Asia species, while on the east related to Australia species. This line passes Malay archipelago, between Borneo and Sulawesi, and between Bali and Lombok and Timor. Having typical animals (especially Sulawesi Island), different than oriental and Australia animals such as : Anoa, mako bird, and black monkey. The different was recorded by Antonio Pigafetta about the biological difference between the Phillipines and Maluku Islands, as recorded by Ferdinand Magellan in 1521. This line then was revised and moved eastward (Sulawesi land) by Webber. The flora and fauna of Asia then determined differently, according to flora and fauna types. This line is then called as ‘Wallace-Webber’
definition by :
so in indonesia have three caracteristic animal 1) wallace area 2) weber area 3) tansition area

1) wallace area

in this area the animal have same caracteristic with exotic asian animal.
sumatra elephant
sumatra tiger
orangutan kalimantan

2) weber area
in weber area many animal same like australian animal. we can found many tiny marsupial in weber area. and in weber area have many exotic bird.
tree kangoro


cendrawasih bird

3) transition area
in this area you will be found same different animal in the world. the animal in transition area have many characteristic .not like asia or asutralia in transition area the animal many different

komodo dragon


deer pig

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