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How to Distinguish Venomous and Non-venomous Snakes Based on their Body Shape

snake is one of the oldest animals on earth. This animal has no legs and uses its stomach to walk. Snakes run by creeping and writhing their bodies. in human life, the existence of snakes is often considered a threat. Therefore many people who like to kill this animal even though its existence in nature is needed to maintain the ecosystem. basically, the type of snake is divided into two types. namely venomous and non-venomous. but often when we encounter a snake we cannot distinguish it quickly. here are some characteristics of poisonous snakes and poisonous tracks.

1. a venomous snake's head is oval and oval compared to a non-venomous snake.

2. venomous nostrils are more prominent this is so that the snake can recognize prey and inject venom quickly.

3. the tail scales of the venomous snake have two vertical patterns while the non-venomous snake has only one pattern.

after knowing this we can avoid things that are not desirable when meeting snakes.

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